In order to write amazing essays, students have to understand and utilize line of reasoning in AP® Lang. If you are wondering exactly what line of reasoning is, or how to explain this concept to your students, I have a YouTube video that gives you an in-depth explanation.
In this blog, I want to specifically focus on three line of reasoning AP Lang activities that can help your students develop a line of reasoning in their essays.
Activity #1: Unscramble the Passage
One way to help students improve their line of reasoning in their essays is to have them identify the line of reasoning in a speech or letter. Help the realize that writers and speakers make choices in a specific order to achieve their message, argument, or purpose.
This activity is perfect for getting your students to recognize different elements of an essay. As you move around the room, you might hear students say, “I think this paragraph goes at the beginning because…” This activity took about ten minutes for my students, and it led to some really great conversations.
Here are the steps to completing this activity:
- Select the passage you want to use. You will need to print it out, and I suggest increasing the font size (it will make the next step easier).
- Cut the passage into strips, so that you have one paragraph on each strip of paper. If your passage has short paragraphs, you can have multiple paragraphs on one strip.
- Arrange students into small groups, and give each group a stack of strips. Be sure to mix them up, so they are not in the correct order.
- Then, have students arrange the essay into the correct order.
- If students don’t quite guess the correct order on the first try, tell them which paragraphs are in the correct order.
Activity #2: Thesis and Topic Sentence Activity
I love this activity because it’s entirely student driven and incorporates collaboration. Your students will be drafting a thesis and topic sentences, and then giving them to another group to unscramble. This pushes students to draft defensible thesis statements and also has them practice line of reasoning. Win-win.
Here’s how to complete this activity:
- In groups 2-3, have students read an essay prompt. Then, they will draft a thesis statement and topic sentences for body paragraphs and the conclusion. Each sentence should be on its strip of paper or index card.
- After drafting, each group will scramble their cards and pass it to another group. The other group now must organize the index cards in the correct order.
Bonus Tip: Give your students optional sentence frames that they can use to help reinforce the use of verbs such as “begins,” “continues,” and “concludes.” These verbs help students follow the speaker’s line of reasoning. For more about the benefits of sentence frames, check out this post.
Activity #3: Sticky Note Outline
This line of reasoning AP Lang activity will take a few class periods, but it’s worth it. Students will map a line of reasoning using sticky notes. This can be done with a text you have read or have students outline an essay with their line of reasoning.
Here is how to complete this activity:
- You’ll need lots of sticky notes and paper to put the notes on! Give students their needed supplies.
- Have students either track a passage or map an essay using their stick notes. I have my students create an entire outline of a synthesis essay. Each element or sentence of their essay would go on a different sticky note.
- While they work on their sticky note outlines, allow students to collaborate and talk with other students.
- Then, students will paste their sticky notes onto their paper. I like to have them go back and on the paper add in transitions they would use between the different components.
Looking for more line of reasoning AP Lang teacher tips? Be sure to check out this post here!